Study Groups

Study Groups

Same-industry, Peer groups for Executives

Are you a Study Groups Candidate?

Answer the questions below to determine if Study Groups has peer groups for you.

My company is in the petroleum, construction or senior care industry.

I am an owner, executive or high-level manager.

What you Need to Know About our Peer Groups

Study Groups are private, peer groups, composed of non-competing, same-industry business leaders. Executives get together in a confidential setting to work on their businesses. The restricted setting provides the opportunity to:

  • ✓ reflect on the performance & direction of your company
  • ✓ challenge your assumptions & self-limiting paradigms
  • ✓ compare financial & operational data with peers
  • ✓ learn best practices, new ideas & new opportunities
  • ✓ gain a circle of trusted advisors & friends

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a Study Groups Candidate!

same industry peer groups for executives<br />

Industries and Individuals we Serve

Study Groups are for business leaders in the petroleum, construction and senior care industries.

Individuals are placed in small, private peer groups with non-competing, like-focused executives. Homogeneous grouping fosters relevant, high value conversations between members on an ongoing basis.


  • ✓ Petroleum and Propane
  • ✓ Construction and Building Materials
  • ✓ Senior Living and Compassion Care


  • ✓ Owners and Partners
  • ✓ Executives
  • ✓ Upper-level Managers


  • ✓ Min. 3 years in business
  • ✓ Annual revenue > $500,000
  • ✓ FTE > 5

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a Study Groups Candidate!

Meet a Few of our Members

Align yourself with your industry’s top leaders. Study Groups’ members represent some of the top privately-owned businesses in the petroleum and construction spaces.

Study Group Member - Weigels
Auburn Concrete - Ready Mix Study Group Member
Study Group Member - The Parker Companies
Wieser Brothers General Contractor Study Group Member
Midwest Concrete Materials Ready Mix Study Group Member
Downs Commercial Fuel Study Group Member
Capital City Oil Wholesale Fuel Study Group Member
Rozier Construction Commercial GC Study Group Member
Kwik Trip Convenience Store Study Group Member
Mowery Construction Commercial Construction Study Group Member
Refit Oil and Fuel Study Group Member
Sapp Brothers C Store Study Group Member

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a Study Groups Candidate!

What you can Expect from Study Groups



Confidentiality and fostering an environment of absolute trust is a primary value for all Study Group members and staff.


Welcoming Atmosphere

We are a community that welcomes members from diverse backgrounds and believes that every member has value to add.


Lasting Friendships

You’ll develop respectful, friendly relationships through connecting with people navigating similar situations, and looking to learn and grow just like you.


A Safe Place

Your Study Group is a safe place to share and receive honest feedback without fear of judgment. We value an authentic culture of trust and respect that honors every member.



Members are engaged both at meetings and between meetings. The collective focus of the group is on helping each other get better.


Access to Experts

You have access to the expertise of your fellow members, their network of resources, and the larger Study Groups community.


Relevant Conversations

A proven Study Groups framework for meeting and sharing ideas via skilled facilitators and homogeneous groups ensures conversations are on point and relevant.


Exposure to New Ideas

From your group you will get fresh ideas to address the challenges at hand, exposure to new opportunities, and perspective from individuals who think differently than you.


High-Value Takeaways

Receive actionable items from every meeting to implement in your business, through a combination of member feedback, facilitator insights, financial reviews, and educational resources.

Answer 2 quick questions to see if you’re
a Study Groups Candidate!

CFO Study Group Member Activity
CFO Study Group, Group Meeting
CFO Study Group Group Dinner