Keys to Effective Tank Management

Tank Management

When managing your tank equipment at a customer, is the first step to go through paperwork in a file cabinet or open a spreadsheet?
When servicing the tanks, is the first step to call someone, send an email or fill out a paper form?

Tank Management

When figuring out if it’s even worth it to have the equipment at the customer, is the first step to open a spreadsheet and search for numbers such as yearly sales, equipment costs, and maintenance hours?
Instead of searching spreadsheets and sending lots of emails, there is a better way to fulfill your tank management needs. Finding the right technology solutions can be a game-changer. When choosing a tank management app, there are a few simple essentials.

The app should:

  1. Keep track of tanks and related equipment, all in one spot.
  2. Manage work orders and tasks associated with the equipment, all in one spot.
  3. Provide ROI data, all in one spot.

To address those requirements, RowLogic built TankWorks—an app that harmoniously combines tank management, work orders, and ROI calculations.


TankWorks removes the countless spreadsheets, phone calls, and guesswork from your tank operations. Is a tank at a customer being under-utilized? Is a maintenance crew visiting the high-volume customer this week? Is this tank worth having at this specific customer? TankWorks has the answers.

TankWorks allows your team to communicate easily via a web app where everything is electronically stored for easy access by everyone from anywhere, including loan agreements and photos of tanks. Your executives review the ROI of the overall equipment operations, and ultimately, your customers are better served because the day-to-day operations are smoother with improved communication and data-driven decisions.

RowLogic offers a free trial to see if TankWorks is right for you and your team. For more information, visit us at or contact John Montelepre at or 985-626-7382.


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