About Study Groups

We Exist to Provide You with the Resources Needed for Greater Growth

Study Group Member Stories

The ability to benchmark off of others is very valuable. The Best Ideas presentations are also a powerful tool. The bottom-line is that my Study Group will help me to improve my bottom-line.

~ Greg Parker, The Parker Companies

Who we are

We are Driven by a Desire to Help Others, Just Like You Are

Our desire is to help others achieve excellence and find fulfillment as leaders of their companies. We are here to share our unique gifts, talents and expertise to help you unlock the full potential for you and your business and to push you beyond what you’re capable of achieving on your own.

Study Groups are the place where leaders can live out Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

Our foundation

Mentorship, Fellowship and Leadership

A message from Study Groups’ President

It’s often lonely-at-the-top for our members. Having a peer group of like-minded, caring individuals where one feels safe to open up with both the good and the bad is an important resource as our members strive to be better leaders and people.

I was at a Study Group meeting recently. One of the members looked around and was hit with a moment of perspective. “Do you realize that between our firms, we have over 10,000 employees? The decisions we are making here impact thousands of individuals and their families. And when we consider our customers, it’s multiple times that number.”

At Study Groups, we have the unique ability to help our members grow as people, to become more of who they were created to be; to help them become healthier, wiser, and themselves better able to help others. What a blessing, and an important responsibility to steward.

– Jed Brewer, President

Our Vision

Provide all business leaders with the opportunity to experience the value and friendships of a Study Group.

Our Mission

To create permanent value and lasting friendships for our members through education and sharing in an environment of trust.

Our Values

Serve with humility; act with honesty, loyalty and fairness; act professionally; always be learning and growing; treat all people with respect; seek win/win outcomes.

Our founder’s story

How we Got Here

When someone owns their own business there are limited opportunities for them to learn from their peers and grow their abilities to be more successful.

A number of years ago, a group of marketers approached Study Groups’ founder, David Nelson, Ph.D., about the idea of a Study Group. They’d seen it in the auto industry and asked if he’d help them organize it.

It started out as a consulting project. David quickly realized it would be a much more ambitious task than 5 individuals would be willing to pay for. He turned the idea around to make it a quarterly fee. The group liked it. They invited others to join. Word spread. Others wanted groups.

It’s taken a number of years to get to where we are today. The result, from that initial ask by a small group of petroleum marketers, is a very successful program for helping our members grow their abilities and be more successful.


Leadership Team

Meet the People who Guide Study Groups’ Mission

David Nelson Founder of Study Groups

David Nelson, Ph.D.

Jed Brewer President of Study Groups
Jedidiah (Jed) Brewer, Ph.D.
Ben Scellick Vice President at Study Groups
Ben Scellick, CPA
Vice President
Tressa Throgmorton Director of Business Development at Study Groups

Tressa Throgmorton
Director of Business Development

Brad Gaines Director of Business Intelligence at Study Groups

Brad Gaines, MBA
Director of Business Intelligence

Support Team

Meet the People who Make Study Groups Possible

Like for you, our team members are the faces, personalities, and talent of our organization.

Every Study Group has three support team members – group facilitator, group coordinator, and financial reporting specialist.

Their roles ensure the group is taken care of, that meetings run smoothly, that the group has eveything needed to be successful, that financial and operational reports are prepared and distributed and that every member’s Study Group experience reflects our mission statement.

Group Facilitator

The group facilitator plans, guides, manages and facilitates the group’s meetings with a focus on helping each member achieve his or her goals. Facilitators are not there to be the experts in the group but rather to bring out the exceptional insights and unique experiences that each member brings to the group.

Group Coordinator

The group coordinator is a critical member of the group’s team. Their role is to help the members have a successful experience by keeping them updated with meeting details, taking care of housekeeping items and answering any questions, big or small, that give members greater confidence as they prepare for their meeting.

Financial Specialist

The financial reporting specialist plays a key role on the Study Groups data team. They work with each member’s accounting team to collect the numbers needed for members to participate in and get the most out of their group’s benchmarking activities.

CFO Study Group Member Activity
CFO Study Group, Group Meeting
CFO Study Group Group Dinner